Women’s Center Donor Thank You Program

A special project aimed at thanking donors while showcasing local artists.

As part of the Marquette Women’s Center’s ongoing efforts to express gratitude to those who support their cause, they are launching a program asking artists to contribute images of their artwork to be featured on postcards sent to their donors as thank-you notes. Your art will not only serve as a token of appreciation but also be seen by many community members as a testament to their support for the Women’s Center and its mission.

Here’s how the program works:

  • You are invited to submit your artwork image for consideration to be featured on thank-you postcards.
  • If your artwork is selected, it will be professionally scanned, and your artist information and contact details will be included on the postcard.
  • The postcard will be sent to donors, acknowledging their contributions and expressing gratitude on behalf of the Women’s Center.

If you would like to participate, please submit your artwork by May 1, 2024 via email to executivedirector@wcmqt.org . Provide all pertinent information about the artwork that you believe should be taken into consideration. A variety of artistic styles and themes are welcomed and encouraged.

Should you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact Jennine Frazier at executivedirector@wcmqt.org

Editor’s Note: This is not a paid gig. It’s up to you to decide if and how you should donate your art, and who you should donate to. As a personal rule, I only donate to organizations that I agree strongly with, such as this one.

John French