Support The Lake Superior Art Association

Opportunities to support Lake Superior Art Association, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote and encourage the development of visual arts and artists in Marquette County through programs directed toward the appreciation and participation in the visual arts which includes Art on the Rocks, the annual art fair.


At Northern Michigan University, an endowed scholarship that supports Upper Peninsula art students in their artistic endeavors. Established on March 5, 1991, in honor of Anita E. Meyland, the founder of Lake Superior Art Association’s Art on the Rocks juried fine-arts show.

  • Amount: Varies ($1,000 maximum)
  • Class status: Preference – Sophomore
  • GPA: 2.7 or higher required
  • Full-time: Required
  • Hometown: Required Upper Peninsula high-school student
  • Major: Art & Design: Drawing, Painting or Printmaking, if possible. Otherwise a Major from any of the following departmental areas in Art and Design Deadline: Annually Jan 30th. If you are interested in making a contribution–make a check payable to: NMU Foundation/LSAA Scholarship and mail to: NMU Foundation, 603 Cohodas Hall, 1401 Presque Isle, Marquette, MI 49855 (906) 227-2627 


This is one of the most valuable donations you can make to Lake Superior Art Association. We always need volunteers for Art on the Rocks and other LSAA events. You support our mission when you donate your time for a shift.

Possibilities for volunteering for Art on the Rocks:

Handout programs at entrance, sell T-shirts, information booth, general maintenance of park, marking the art booths, clean-up after each day, judging artwork and trouble shooting. Please fill out the Volunteer Form under AOR and NEWS AND UPDATES/FORMS. LSAA loves its volunteers. Thank You!


Save your Econo Foods register grocery receipts from any year. Econo will give 1% of the total register receipts to LSAA (not for profit organization) when turned in twice a year according to their instructions. There is a drop-box at the Deo Gallery, in the Peter White Public Library. Or you can mail the receipts to


PO Box 9

Marquette, MI 49855


We appreciate all our Day of Giving donors who help provide more resources and opportunities for Lake Superior Art Association to fulfill its mission.

“Giving Tuesday” is a global day of giving and was created in 2012. It is a movement meant to energize your supporters and promote generosity.  When Is Giving Tuesday?  The date is determined by the Tuesday following Thanksgiving each year. Because Thanksgiving is the fourth week of November, Giving Tuesday either falls on the last Tuesday of November or the first Tuesday of December


You can donate a memorial gift or planned gift which will benefit LSAA in their mission to promote the visual arts for future generations to come.

All operations are exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, and for the promotion and enjoyment of the visual arts in our community. Your donation is 100% tax deductible. LSAA is a 501(c) 3 registered non-profit organization. The Lake Superior Art Association thanks you for your contribution.

Support the Lake Superior Art Association with your membership.

To Donate to the Lake Superior Art Association

Send Check or Money Order payable to Lake Superior Art Association (LSSA) and mailed to: 


PO Box 9

Marquette, MI 49855