January 30th: Lake Superior Art Association Art Talk: The Group of Seven

The Art Talk on January 30th will be held in the Shiras Room at Peter White Public Library at 6:30. The topic will be Group of Seven. Lynn Buckland-Brown will be the presenter.

Tom Thomson  Silver Birches  1915-16

In the 1920s, circumstances brought together several artists who were committed to exploring, through art, the unique character of the Canadian landscape. This group of adventurous artists sought out pristine wilderness landscapes. Collectively they agreed: Canada’s rugged wilderness regions needed to be recorded in a distinctive painting style.

The Group of Seven is best known for its paintings inspired by the Canadian landscape, and for initiating the first major Canadian national art movement. They believed that a distinctly Canadian art style could be developed through direct contact with nature. The artists in this group painted together from 1920-1933, mostly plein air, in a style that challenged European traditions, reflected an increasingly nationalistic sentiment, and gained global recognition. 

Today, these men are among Canada’s most famous artists. For many, their works have come to symbolize what is the distinctly Canadian identity. (https://mcmichael.com/collection/group-of-seven/)

Come to this presentation and learn about these artists who painted in the wilderness just over the Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge.

The Lake Superior Art Association is planning some new events, in addition to their regularly
scheduled monthly programs. Special community presentations, such as Teaching Children to Draw and
Art Talks, and the Anita Meyland Birthday Celebration, honoring Art On the Rocks founder, are on the
schedule for 2024.